Hi, kids! Today's words are boring and lethargy. Not sure which came first. The Iowa hills of yesterday became lower and lower and eventually it was just flat. No more terraces. No more contoured crop rows - the rows became straight where there were no contours to follow.
So, it was just head down into the wind for a lot of hours. Occasionally, look up and behold, more corn! Head down, and grind along. And for whatever reason, very little drive to keep going at any pace - until finally, the last couple hours - either the McDonald's milkshake, or a new selection of more energetic iPod tunes (East Village Opera and then some Natalie McMaster celtic) and I picked up the pace and drove home, found a few little hills to ride hard and reeled in a lot of the folks that had left me hours earlier.
Also, started to see more patches of woodland left from way back when rather than plains - looks like this must have been forested back before 1776 or whenever.
Found very little to take pictures of - flatland corn isn't that interesting. A bit of fog in the river valley as we started out this morning. The little town of Coon Rapids had a bunch of sculptures around its golf course and town park. Didn't get much better than that.
Colfax is a small enough town that the only restaurant is McDonald's - I'm getting to believe that McD's is truly America's finest cuisine.
8.7 hr, 219 km(134 mile), HR 88, 137 watts, 25.1 km/hr (15 mph), 3974 kJoules, 964 meters (3000 ft) climbing.
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